Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world by number of native speakers. In fact, 22 countries have Spanish as their official language. With many countries speaking the same language, accents diversify and words start carrying…
Colombia has slowly started emerging as a major tourist destination in the world. Many people are choosing to visit the country because there's a wide variety of interesting things to do and beautiful things to see. If you're wondering wha…
How did it all begin? In 1810, what we know today as Colombia, was called New Granada. During that year, on July 20th to be specific, Colombian patriots were very unhappy with Spanish rule as there were restrictions and limitations in trad…
When and where did it happen? On August 7th, 1819, Colombian patriot troops, led by Simón Bolívar, confronted the Spanish army, led by Colonel José María Barreiro, on a battle known to be the beginning of the definitive independence of the…
Ready for an insight into Colombian culture and history? Then, let’s get started! Colombian history is divided into three periods: The Indigenous period, the Hispanic period and last but not least, the Republican period. The Indigenous Per…
Colombia likes bringing its people together and the way the country does it, is by celebrating its history, culture and traditions during animated festivals and carnivals held throughout the country. The following is a list of my personal …
By now, you've probably already heard about the remarkable flavor and aroma of Colombian coffee. But, you're probably wondering how this South American country manages to produce some of the world's best coffee beans. Well, what if I tell …
There is more to a country than just its food, so while you're in Colombia why not trying a couple of unique and delicious drinks? Here's a list of 11 typical Colombian drinks that you should definitively not miss during your trip! Tinto A…
If you're looking for the ideal place to spend a romantic holiday with your significant other, Colombia is perhaps one of the best countries to do so. From small towns and beautiful beaches to cosmopolitan cities and stunning nature, Colom…
Pablo Escobar was born on December 1st, 1949 into a humble family. His mom was a school teacher and his dad was a farmer. Escobar started his career as a criminal from a very young age. When he was just a teenager, he started getting invol…
As a megadiverse country, Colombia is a place that has it all: from tropical rainforests and vast deserts to beautiful beaches, gorgeous countryside scenery and wild plains. If you'd like to try everything this country has to offer, scroll…
Visiting a new country, discovering different cultures and trying local food is exciting, sure, but what also makes a country special and unique is its people and the language they speak. Colombia is no exception to this, so before you pac…
From its diverse climate and ecosystems, to its flora, fauna and beautiful beaches, Colombia is a country where diversity prevails. Pack your swimsuit and be ready to hit the waves ‘cause today we’ll take a trip to Colombia’s most stunning…
As the second most biodiverse country on the planet, Colombia offers a variety of unique landscapes to explore. Most travelers start their trip in Bogotá, Cali or Medellín, but if you want to get the most out of your Colombian adventure, d…
Despite Colombia being my home country, it is a place that never stops to amaze me. Here's a list of 11 interesting facts about Colombia. Some are funny, some are weird and others unique! 1. You can buy 'minutes' on the streets In Colombia…
感染拡大が続く新型コロナウィルス(COVID-19)。 多くの国がそうであるように、コロンビアでも感染者の急増を受けて、3月24日から「ロックダウン(都市封鎖)」に入りました。 ご存じの通り、このロックダウンとは、屋外活動が完全に禁止されるので、コ…
Learning Spanish at a language institute is one thing, but learning how locals communicate is quite another! Colombians have a very particular - not to say funny or weird - way of expressing themselves. There seems to be a saying for every…
Colombia is right now in a nationwide coronavirus lockdown. People were told to stay home as an attempt to help contain the COVID-19 outbreak. Unfortunately, staying home does not mean the same for everyone. While there are some who are ta…
Colombia's reputation as one of the most exciting countries to travel to has been growing in the past few years. As a result, this South American country has experienced a rise in the number of tourists visiting the nation. Certain sites h…
Santiago de Cali, or simply Cali, is the capital of the Valle del Cauca department and its the third most populous city in Colombia. Cali is known as the capital of Salsa, given the peple's love and passion for that genre of music. This da…
Palenqueras Cartagena de Indias is definitively the most beautiful city in the Caribbean Coast and the second most visited city by foreigners in Colombia. With its beautiful cobblestone alleys, colonial architecture and picturesque green b…
According to the tourism statistics in Colombia, the following cities are the most popular ones for foreigners to visit. They all have their unique charm and friendly atmosphere ready to fill your soul. Start discovering these stunning cit…
Colombia is a country full of picturesque little towns filled with history, beautiful architecture and local charm. Keep on reading to see Colombia's most beautiful towns! Barichara Jardín Villa de Leyva Mompox Jericó La Playa de Belén Sal…
高校や大学で第二外国語を選ぶ時や、これから英語以外の外国語を習得しようとしている時、選択肢が数多くあるせいで迷ってしまいますよね。 実際、どの言語を習得しても、当然メリットはあります! しかし、もし、どの言葉を習得しようか迷っているのであれ…
Trying new flavors is one of the most exciting aspects of travel. When it comes to street food, Colombia has a lot to offer. To help you plan a culinary trip that’ll pamper your palate, here’s a list of seven delicious Colombian street foo…
It is safe to say that pampering your palate is one of the most exciting aspects of travel. Tasting new spices and diving into foods with names you can hardly pronounce it's all part of the experience as a tourist in a foreign country. To …
Colombia is a country in which people and their daily lives are highly influenced by religion. Catholicism is the main religion in Colombia, with an estimated of 70% of the national population as adherents. Like any other Catholic in the w…
Greeting might be seen as a simple day-to-day practice that comes naturally to all of us, but the truth is that there’s more to it than just saying “Hi”. Whether it is waving, bowing or kissing, there’s always a cultural background and sit…
Have you always wanted to learn a foreign language but haven't been able to decide which one? Well, besides all the benefits that come with learning any foreign language, here are 5 reasons to start learning Spanish today! 1. It's a global…
Welcome to The City of Eternal Spring: Medellín. This city is located in the department of Antioquia. It is known for its idyllic weather, its captivating flowers and its welcoming people, the 'paisas’ – as the folks from Medellín are know…